
What we offer:

Medical Equipment:

We provide a full-time service engineer at the hospital and maintain all their equipments to include imaging and train the in-house bio-med employees. For this period we maintained an office in Palau and supported the contract until mid 2006 when the hospital did not have the budget to continue the services.

Solar Systems:

            UPS and Solar Systems:

            We design, Install, and maintenance for Power management systems.

We do all types of Solar systems such as:

  1. Off-Grid: It operates from the stored energy in a battery bank. Solar panels are used to keep the battery bank charged. Your off-grid solar system has to be sized properly to meet your daily power needs and replace the stored energy pulled from the battery bank.
  2. Grid-Tie: Grid-tie (On-Grid) solar systems are designed for those who already have electric utility service, but wish to significantly reduce their electric bill. You can generate electricity when the sun is shining, and sell any excess back to the electric company.
  3. Hybrid System: Generate power in the same way as a common grid-tie solar system but use special hybrid inverters and batteries to store energy for later use. This ability to store energy enables most hybrid systems to also operate as a backup power supply during a blackout, similar to a UPS system. This system is also use for critical power interruption mostly to support data and medical center.

Electrical Services:

  • Motors : Rewinding, repair and Installations Services:

We do all kinds of motor rewinding and repair from single to multiple phase motors from ½ hp and up to 400 hp up. Special motors such as multi phase, brush-less or large stepper motors for servo controlled devices. We can also provide or sell motors for your needs.

  • Transformers:

We can design, rewind, repair, and do maintenance for transformers for small and large power systems. We can do all types of Step-up or Step-down, single or 3-phase Transformers.

  • Generators

Generator Service and Support: We provide Installation, service, repair, troubleshooting and maintenance for all types of generators. When you need power most, we are ready to help you.

  • ATS systems:

Automatic transfer switches (ATS) are critical components of any emergency or standby power system. Transfer switches are reliable, rugged, versatile and compact assemblies for transferring essential loads and electrical distribution systems from one power source to another. We can provide solutions, service, repair and maintenance, whatever critical needs for your growing demands in Electrical solutions.

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